Applet Architecture Complete Explanation With Diagram

 Applet Architecture:   

We know that java provides console based programming language environment and window based programming environment. An applet is a window based programming environment. So applet architecture is different than console base program.
    Java applets are essentially java window programs that can run within a web page.Applete programs are java classes that extend that java.applet.Applet class and are enabaled by reference with HTML page. You can observed that when applet are combined with HTML, thet can make an interface more dynamic and powerful than with HTML alone.
    While some Applet do not more than scroll text or play movements, but by incorporating theses basic features in webpage you can make them dynamic. These dynamic web page can be used in an enterprise application to view or manipulate data comming from some source on the server.
    The Applet and there class files are distribute through standard HTTP request and therefore can be sent across firewall with the web page data. Applete code is referenced automatically each time the user revisit the hosting website. Therefore keeps full application up to date on each client desktop on which it is running.

Applet Architecture Complete Explanation With Diagram Applet Architecture Complete Explanation With Diagram Reviewed by Unknown on 11:17:00 AM Rating: 5


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