Excel All Mathematics Functions With Full Description : Part 1

1: SUM()
use:- it is mathematical functions used to add the numeric value In a range of cell a maximum of 30
Example:- sum(c5:c10)

2: Average()
Average (number1,number2,number3,…….)
Use:- calculate and return the average of the numeric values range of cell it is statistical function
Example:- average (c5:c10)

3: Max()
Max(numbe1, number2, number3,………)
Use:- return the largest value from the specified range
Example:- max(c5:c10)

4: Min()
Use:- return the lowest value from the specified range
Example:- min(c5:c10)

5: Count()
Count(value1, value2, value3,……..)
Use:- count the number of cells that numbers in the specified range

6: Count blank ()
Count blank(value1, value2,value3,……)
Use:- count empty cells in specified range of cells. Cells with formally that return “ ” (empty text) are also counted cells with zero value are not counted.
Example:- count blank(c5:c10)

7: Log()
Log :- (number, base)
Use:- return the logarithem of a number to the base you specified
Example:- log (100)

8: Sin()
Sin:- (number)
Use:- return the sine value of the specified number
Example:- sin(45)

9: Cos()
Use:- return the cosine value of the specified number
Example:- cos(5)

10: Fact()
Fact (number)
Use :- return the factorial value of the specified value
Example :- fact(10)


Excel All Mathematics Functions With Full Description : Part 1 Excel All Mathematics Functions With Full Description : Part 1 Reviewed by Unknown on 8:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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