Enter 3 subject marks, display total, persentage and class
void main() { int n1,n2,n3,*no1,*no2,*no3,*t,*p; clrscr(); printf("enter 3 no:"); scanf("%d%d%d",&n1,&n2,&n3); no1=&n1; no2=&n2; no3=&n3; *t=*no1+*no2+*no3; *p=*t/3; printf("\ntot:%d",*t); printf("\nper:%d",*p); printf("\nclass:"); if(*p>=70) { printf("disti"); } else if(*p>=60) { printf("first"); } else if(*p>=50) { printf("second"); } else if(*p>=40) { printf("pass"); } else { printf("fail"); } getch(); }
Enter 3 subject marks, display total, persentage and class
Reviewed by Unknown
7:45:00 PM
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